When we reach home we know we are loved and accepted by others
“Sometimes we need to find a way to come home to ourselves…”
Sometimes we need help to come home to the felt sense of who we are in our bodies. This is the path to mental wellness. Body psychotherapy offers a body/mind approach for when you feel ‘talking isn’t doing any good’, or you feel it ‘won’t get to the bottom of your problem’.
Latest News
January 2024:
It seems obvious that feelings are in the body rather than in the head but you wouldn’t think so to hear people.
‘I feel excluded and that I’m not enough for people. Everyone seems to be getting on with their lives successfully apart from me.’
When we unpick these statements in therapy we often realise that the underlying reality is different to how the person experiences themselves; that in fact they have more friends than they realise, are actually working at over-capacity and need to slow down; that their goals might need readjusting.
So if the truth is different and a person can see that, what are we left with? What is true? The feelings are true…..(read more in my latest article here)
March 2022:
Body Psychotherapy works well with trauma. A recent article in the Guardian by psychotherapist, Philippa Perry explores the complexity of trauma and recommends a mind/body approach. Read more here: https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2022/feb/20/ask-philippa-perry-i-am-a-successful-man-but-trauma-has-left-me-gripped-by-anxiety
June 2020:
I recently made a short video for the on-line therapy site, Welldoing.org about biodynamic massage. If you’d like to know more about this - and about me and the way I work with clients, follow the link below. Biodynamic massage is sometimes a useful tool in body psychotherapy and touch can be a great resource in terms of containing feelings and self-regulation.
April 2019: My recent article on early trauma has been published on the therapy site, Welldoing.org. https://welldoing.org/article/an-early-death-within-impact-childhood-trauma
There is also ‘Meet the Therapist’ Q & A with me on the site: https://welldoing.org/article/meet-therapist-lindsey-nicholas
How can I help?
I have also made the journey through therapy and training (down various pathways) to find a more compassionate way home to myself. I now offer one-to-one psychotherapy and counselling in Hollesley, Suffolk.
I am a trained body psychotherapist, and a member of the Association of Biodynamic Massage Therapists (ABMT).
My experience of therapy has been that it can make you a more successful person (not merely a success) in your working life and also your personal life. It is easy to get lost in our own heads and caught up in who we think we ought to be. We are born in a body and it's crucial that we feel comfortable in our own skin.
My skills as a therapist, I feel, stem from an ability to ‘get under the skin’ of another person. By that I mean to contact and work with what you might be struggling with but are just not able to find words for. This can be crucial for many people who feel there is ‘something wrong’ or that there are feelings locked away, but that somehow this suffering will never be met by another person. I have profound empathy for such a predicament.
I work with people who have experienced early or complex trauma, or are struggling to find ‘their place in the world’. I work with issues around touch and boundaries, and with those who find sustaining contacting sexual relationships with others difficult. Working with the body can also support the energetic difficulties associated with conditions such as ADHD and bi-polar; it also works well with the emotional complexity of body dysmorphic disorders.
I also really enjoy working with people who feel they are not in contact with the ‘felt sense of themselves’ in their bodies as much as they would like to be.
I am really happy to talk to you about Body Psychotherapy and Biodynamic Massage. In my practice I use a number of different therapeutic approaches and together we can decide what is right for you.